


16 years old

When did you join South West Music School?
September 2010

What do you play?
Piano, Electric Bass and a little guitar/ukulele.

When did you first get into music and what inspired you to do so?
I grew up listening to various funk bands that my dad liked, but I was influenced mostly by listening to musicians in the church I attended. This is what really inspired me to pursue music in the way that I have.

Who/what are your musical influences?
I have noticed that I’ve not actually been able to listen to music, other than what I’ve been learning for gigs, because of how busy I’ve been; with this in mind, I would say my biggest musical influences have been the people that I play with. I have been fortunate enough to have been able to play with: a former member of the Stone Roses and OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark), a bass player who has played with the likes of Coldplay and Katy Perry and the current touring keyboardist for Lady Leshurr. When I do have time to listen to music, I love listening to as much Snarky Puppy as possible! 

What would you say has been your biggest or most favourite achievement to date?
My biggest achievements have been:

  • Playing live in front of an audience of over 1,000 multiple times.
  • Having had the chance to attend Westminster Abbey Choir School earlier on in life.
  • Playing for BBC Radio Wales’ “A Sunday morning with…”
  • Going on tour in France with my school’s Gospel choir.
  • Filling the Bristol’s Colston Hall every Christmas with the various ensembles at my school.
  • Being pianist for my school’s production of ‘Into The Woods’ and ‘West Side Story’ suite of songs.

What do you enjoy about being part of South West Music School?
What I enjoy the most is, how much knowledge I gain from being a part of South West Music School. I have always been a person that likes to understand as much as possible, especially when it comes to music, so learning as much as I have from people who have “made it” has been very satisfying. I have met a lot of very talented people at SWMS and I have kept in contact with some alumni. This is opening up more opportunities to play at concerts with these contacts.