Student successes: Oxford offers, grade passes and more!

Student successes: Oxford offers, grade passes and more!

We have begun 2016 with so much wonderful news from our students that it’s hard to keep up!

Our students continue to impress us with their various achievements and we just love to shout about them. So here it is, a flurry of good news we can’t help but celebrate about…

Massive congratulations are in order for Kerenza and Matthew, two of our Core students who have just both been offered places at Oxford to read music!

Kerenza (top left), who has been with us since 2011, has been offered a place at St Peter’s College. Kerenza says “I’m so grateful to SWMS for both the Core programme and the A Level Music lessons – without those I might not have even applied to study Music, let alone been given an offer from Oxford!”

Kerenza’s father, Jason, comments “Many thanks to all the support and guidance provided by SWMS since she first started aged 12, the instrumental and composition lessons have been invaluable and the A Level Music has been outstanding.”

Kerenza has also just received a Distinction in her Grade 8 Piano that she took just before Christmas: “I want to thank you for the extra lessons I had with Paul Comeau before my exam.”

Matthew (top middle), a SWMS student since 2012, has been offered a place at Lady Margaret Hall. Matthew also did extraordinarily well in his Grade 8 Piano he took at Christmas, scoring an incredible 144/150!

Both Kerenza and Matthew also study A Level Music with South West Music School and both achieved A grades in their AS levels this summer (along with all other students studying A Level with us). Penny, our A Level Course Leader says “I’m very elated – it’s been hard work and so much pressure for them during last term.”

To find out more about our A Level provision, click here.

We want to say a big well done to a number of other South West Music School students who have done exceedingly well in recent grades…

Core student Ellen (top right) has recently been awarded Distinction for both Trinity Grade 6 clarinet and Trinity Grade 4 piano. Fellow Core student Joseph (bottom left)has just passed his ABRSM Grade 7 piano and ABRSM Grade 7 clarinet, also both with Distinction! Huge congratulations to them both.

After an incredibly busy second half to 2015, Feeder Plus student Kate (bottom middle) passed her Grade 6 Recorder with Merit and has also recently been accepted back into the National Children’s Orchestra as a flautist for a second year. On top of this, Kate recently played both in a band and as a soloist in church on Christmas Day and is preparing to play in 11 classes in the local music festival very soon. All of this at only 10 years old – what an achievement!

Feeder student Emma (bottom right) passed her ABRSM Grade 7 clarinet with Distinction at Christmas! Emma’s mum, Jan, comments “it was very stressful as her clarinet broke down the night before. We had to borrow a bottom half and put two different halves together!” Luckily, Emma’s school, Humphry Davy School in Penzance, were able to provide Emma with the opportunity to purchase a discounted brand new Buffet R13 clarinet from Trevada Music.

Congratulations to all of you from the whole SWMS team!